På svenska

Start page

Location & Accommodation

Colour Match Saturday
- This is how it works
- Judges bio
- Classes and entry fee

- How to enter

Dinner Saturday

Officiall show Sunday
- Judges bio
- Classes and entry fee

- How to enter

Property Classes Sunday

Sponsor the show

Other Information

Welcome to the Swedish Basenji Specialty 2023
in Degeberga, South Scania

On Saturday evening, just after Best In Show for our Color Match, we invite you to a joint Party evening with Dinner, Mingle and Bubbly. After the morning exhibition, go for a walk in the beautiful surroundings with the family and dogs, change into the evening clothes and then join us for a nice and glittery evening to honour all our participants and beautiful Basenjis who are with us during the weekend. EVERYONE is most welcome!

The menu consists of:
Grilled pork loin with salsa, tarragon mayonnaise and grilled vegetables. Choose whether you want potato salad or roasted potatoes. Served with a mixed salad.

Vegetarian option:
Bean and vegetable steak with salsa, tarragon mayonnaise and grilled vegetables. Choose whether you want potato salad or roasted postatis. Served with a mixed salad.

Dessert: Pannacotta with seasonal berries.

Notify about any allergies.

Bring your own beverage!

Price: 250 SEK/person
Book your dinner via email till Naranja Persson

Payment is done to:
Svenska Basenjisällskapet
IBAN SE35 9500 0099 6026 0970 8819
Bank: Nordea Stockholm

Last entry date July 25.