På svenska

Start page

Location & Accommodation

Colour Match Saturday
- This is how it works
- Judges bio
- Classes and entry fee

- How to enter

Dinner Saturday

Officiall show Sunday
- Judges bio
- Classes and entry fee

- How to enter

Property Classes Sunday

Sponsor the show

Other Information

Welcome to the Swedish Basenji Specialty 2023
in Degeberga, South Scania

Sponsor the Swedish Basenji Special of the Year 2023!

We want everyone to be part of making this a fantastic weekend to
remember a long time ahead for everyone, old and new Basenji owners.

jHelp sponsor with your contribution by donating a small amount or actual prizes.

Another way to help with sponsorship is to register your dogs in the class
"Honour Class". Register your older or rarely exhibited dogs in this class.
You will receive names and any titles published in our catalogue.

Even those of you who cannot participate this year may do
Advertise your dogs by attending this class.
100 SEK/dog.

The Basenji Special is the Highlight of the Year where Everyone is a Winner!

Contact Naranja Persson if you want to contribute.